Performance Attainment CROM Deluxe
Performance Attainment CROM Deluxe- The CROM Deluxe (Cervical Range of Motion Instrument) provides the same patented mainframe and rotation unit as the CROM Basic for measuring cervical flexion, extension, rotation and lateral side bend in the preferred upright position. The CROM Deluxe features the addition of a head forward unit for measuring protrusion, retraction and dorsal glide. Since the head forward arm is easily inserted into the mainframe, it takes only a few additional minutes to obtain head translation measurements without having to reposition the patient.
Quantity: 1
Size: 16″ x 9″ x 9″
Manufacturer: Fabrication Enterprises
Brand: Performance Attainment
Performance Attainment CROM Deluxe (12-1156) UPC: 714905028419