Magister Pivotal Therapy System
Pivotal Therapy System or Parts – Spine Alignment – For over 30 years, the Pivotal Therapy System has been used by physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors and people with spinal symptoms to treat soft tissue issues related to all areas of the spine. By nature, it takes time to slowly re-posture the spine and its soft tissues although improvement is often noticed quickly. Based on the progressive increments of time and gravity and your body’s weight, this system can assist your body to relax and strengthen muscles helping maintain healthy spinal alignment. Each component of the Pivotal Therapy System may be used individually to address a patient’s specific problem/complaint or the whole system can be used to treat the entire spine. Latex Free.
Concepts of Posture/Pivotal Therapy
The design and therapy of the Soft Tissue is based on the progressive increased use of time and gravity as a reversal of abnormal sustained postures or positions. It takes time to slowly reposture the spine and it’s soft tissue components. Pivotal Therapy is of excellent value in helping to expedite this process and encouraging restoration of normal function. Pivotal Therapy does this by strengthening muscles which support improved posture and also back pain. It took years to cause abnormal sustained postures or positions and it will take days, weeks, months or even years to correct this position.
Quantity: 1 (individual pieces or set options)
Color: Black
Material: Latex free rubber covered foam
Manufacturer: Magister Corporation
Made in: Chattanooga,TN. USA
Indications: Spinal alignment device indicated for soft tissue issues related to the spine, poor spinal alignment, slumped posture, head and neck pain, including TMJ, lumbar dysfunction, maintaining healthy spinal alignment and to help release tension & stress from neck or back muscles. Individual pieces;
- Occipivot – useful in tension and stress syndromes, TMJ, headaches, abnormal sustained posture, i.e., forward head position or virtually anyone who wants to feel less or no tension at the base of their skull.
- Cervical Pivot – A substitute for gentle cervical traction – self mobilization and strengthening – or for self release of sternocleidomastoid – upper trapezius and first ribs
- Short Thoracic Pivot – to be used when combining treatment with the Cervical Pivot and Lumbar Pivot.
- Standard Thoracic Pivot – ideal for persons with a forward head posture. This is the only time they can truly have a pivot to retract their scapulae to put their spine in the correct posture.
- Standard Lumbar Pivot – effective for promoting proper lordosis. It also acts as a support when the patient is doing exercises suggested from their health care provider.
Cleaning & Care: can be easily wiped clean with warm water and mild cleanser.
Instructions: Included (see Extended Information tab for the individual piece instructions).
Individual Parts:
1950 – Occipivot UPC: 603865019509
1951 – Cervical Pivot UPC: 603865019516
1952 – Short Thoracic Pivot UPC: 603865019523
1953 – Standard Thoracic Pivot UPC: 603865019530
1954 – Standard Lumbar Pivot UPC: 603865019547
4 Piece Short Set (1950/1951/1952/1954) includes:
1950 – Occipivot
1951 – Cervical Pivot
1952 – Short Thoracic Pivot
1954 – Standard Lumbar Pivot
4 Piece Standard Set (1950/1951/1953/1954) includes:
1950 – Occipivot
1951 – Cervical Pivot
1953 – Standard Thoracic Pivot
1954 – Standard Lumbar Pivot
5 Piece Full Set (1950/1951/1952/1953/1954) includes:
1950 – Occipivot
1951 – Cervical Pivot
1952 – Short Thoracic Pivot
1953 – Standard Thoracic Pivot
1954 – Standard Lumbar Pivot
3 Piece Full Set (1951/1952/1954) includes:
1951 – Cervical Pivot
1952 – Short Thoracic Pivot
1954 – Standard Lumbar Pivot