Kem Enterprises, Inc. Osto-EZ-Vent®
The Osto-EZ-Vent® – The #1 preferred air release venting device
The Osto-EZ-Vent® is a leading Ostomy product for any manufacturers’ pouch. Whether you’re a Colostomate or Ileostomate, have a one piece, two piece, drainable, or closed end pouch, the OEV™ provides easy, quick access for a better alternative to burping or opening the bottom with less mess, less bother and more security.
The Osto-EZ-Vent® was specifically designed without a filter to quickly release air build up on demand. This ability aids in reducing pouch explosions and loose wafers. Because it is not a filtering device, the Osto-EZ-Vent® works efficiently, lasts as long as the pouch, does not become ineffective in water, and is easy to install and use.
Pinch down on the Osto-EZ-Vent® Glides to open. The Glides push against the OEV™ base to help lift up and open the OEV™. When the OEV™ is closed, the Glides lie down so they don’t catch on clothing.
Every component of the Osto-EZ-Vent® is made and assembled in the USA. This allows us at KEM Enterprises, Inc. to effectively monitor the Osto-EZ-Vent® and keep standards high.
- Pinchable Glides for easier opening
- Simple, comfortable, and accessible
- Attaches to any pouch
- Avoids accidents
- Release built-up air in seconds, whenever, wherever
- Be as active as you want to be
- Waterproof
- Lasts the life of your pouch
Quantity: 10 per Package
Material: Durable polymer.
Manufacturer: KEM Enterprises, Inc.
Osto-EZ-Vent® (KMEZVENT) UPC: 073588403990