Arion Magnide
Arion Magnide- Magnide® provides an effective solution for all wearers of medical compression stockings and tights with closed toes or their caregivers. Hosiery can now be donned and doffed with ease. Magnide® has flexible sizing to fit different limb sizes. This is particular important for patients diagnosed with edema.
- Special donning aid for medical compression stockings, tights or pantyhose with closed toe
- Unique magnetic closure for effective donning
- User-friendly donning mechanism using own body weight to allow effortless application of medical compression garments
- Extremely smooth, durable and tear-resistant material and easily washable by hand
Quantity: 1
Size: Medium, Large or X-Large
Color: Green
Manufacturer: BSN Medical
Brand: Arion
Medium (7957100) GTIN: 08717127936144
Large (7957100) GTIN: 08717127936151
X-Large (7957100) GTIN: 08717127936472
Sizing Guide:
Measure by Shoe Size
Medium: Men’s- Less than 6; Women’s- Less than 7.5
Large: Men’s- 6.5 – 10; Women’s- 8.5 – 11
X-Large: Men’s- Greater than 11